Samuel Herron began studying Byzantine Music under Leonidas Kotsiris in 2002 in Nashville,
TN. In 2006, he spent three months studying under Lycourgos Angelopoulos, Archon
Protopsaltis of the Archdiocese of Constantinople, Protopsaltis of Hagia Eirini in Athens, and
director of the Greek Byzantine Choir, which Samuel performed with while living in Athens. From 2015-2017, he studied under Fr. Romanos Karanos while attending Holy Cross.
Samuel has served as the Lampadarios of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church in Nashville, TN
from 2007-2009, as Protopsaltis of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Chattanooga, TN
from 2010 to 2015, as Protopsaltis of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral of the New
England Metropolis in Boston from August 2015 until May 2017, as Ieropsaltis for Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Phoenix, AZ until September 2018, and currently serves as Director of Music Ministry and Protopsaltis of Saint Nektarios Church in Charlotte, NC.
Samuel received his Certificate in Byzantine Music with a grade of Excellent in 2015 from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology.
He has performed with the Greek Byzantine Choir directed by Lycourgos Angelopoulos of blessed memory, the Archdiocesan Byzantine Choir directed by Protopsaltis George Theodoridis, the Psaltikon Ensemble directed by Dr. Spyridon Antonopoulos, Capella Romana directed by John Michael Boyer, and the Holy Cross St. Romanos the Melodist Byzantine Choir directed by Fr. Romanos Karanos. In July 2018, Samuel founded the Dynamis Byzantine Ensemble – an ensemble working to produce high quality English language translations, musical settings, and recordings of Byzantine Chant. They have released two albums – The Hymns of St. George and Bright Monday and From Lent to Holy Week. They also published their first book titled The Mystic Pascha, a collection in all English of scores for Pascha and the Feast of Saint George.
He has taught courses on Byzantine Chant for the St. Raphael School, an online Orthodox home-schooling academy, Byzantine Beginnings, an online beginners course run by Amy Hogg, and founded Trisagion School of Byzantine Music in 2020 alongside Gabriel Cremeens and Amy Hogg, which is an online chant academy that focuses on teaching online adult-oriented classes for learning Byzantine chant at all levels. He also has taught private lessons both in person and online since obtaining his certificate in 2015.
In October 2021, Samuel Herron had the honor to serve as Lampadarios for the Patriarchal Divine Liturgy held at the Archdiocesan Cathedral in Manhattan, New York, and also served in the psaltic choir for the Consecration of the St. Nicholas Shrine in New York at the Clergy-Laity Congress in July 2022.