Gabriel Cremeens is the son of a priest and began listening to Byzantine chant during his childhood. He began learning formally under the tutelage of Fr. Romanos Karanos while studying at Hellenic College Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, from which he received his undergraduate degree with a major in Religious Studies and a minor in Modern Greek as valedictorian of his class. He also received his Certificate in Byzantine Music with a grade of “excellent” from the same institution. Upon graduating, Gabriel was hired as a lecturer in Byzantine Music and assisted Fr. Romanos Karanos for a period of a year. Subsequently, Gabriel moved to Athens, Greece to pursue further studies in Byzantine chant performance and composition with several living masters of the art.
During his time in Athens, he was hired as the lampadarios at the church of Agia Marina in Thiseio. In 2018, after returning to the United States, Gabriel was hired as the full-time Protopsaltis at St. George Greek Orthodox Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where he currently resides with his wife and children.
He has been contracted to compose scores, teach classes, and prepare musical publications for the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, AGES Initiatives, the Saint Raphael School, and the Liturgical Arts Academy. In 2020, Gabriel co-founded the Trisagion School of Byzantine Music along with Samuel Herron and Amy Hogg. His compositions can be found on his website, www.englishmenaion.com.