Fr. Constantine Trumpower is the Presiding Priest (Proistamenos) of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church, in Camarillo, CA. He holds a Certificate of Byzantine Music from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, having received the grade of “Excellent” (2015), as well as a Masters of Divinity from the same (2016), a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) from George Fox University (2010), and a Bachelors of Arts in Literature and Writing from Portland State University (2003).
Fr. Constantine has sung his whole life. In a professional and semi-professional capacity, he has sung in Western 4-part choirs, as well as in several operettas through the University of Portland. He has also sung with the unique, Medieval Byzantine Chant ensemble Cappella Romana.
He began chanting at age 13. Some of the musicians and chanters he has benefited from are John Boyer Jr. of Cappella Romana, and Protopsaltis of the Metropolis of San Francisco, Papa Ephraim of St. Anthony’s Monastery, and Presbytera Aspasia Dorrance of Eikona. During 2010-2012, he assisted in the creation of vocal recordings for training several parishes of the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese in Byzantine Music.
While attending Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, Fr. Constantine greatly benefitted from Theoretical and Practical training in Byzantine Music, under Fr. Romanos Karanos.